Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Indie Author's Monthly Magazine's Miami Book Fair Featured Author: Carole P. Roman

Indie Author's Monthly Magazine's Miami Book Fair Featured Author:
Carole P. Roman

Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of over fifty children's books. Whether it's pirates, princesses, or discovering the world around us, her books have enchanted educators, parents, and her diverse audience of children. She hosts two blog radio programs and is one of the founders of a new magazine, Indie Author's Monthly. She's been interviewed twice by Forbes Magazine. Carole has co-authored a self-help book, Navigating Indieworld: A Beginners Guide to Self-Publishing and Marketing. Oh Susannah is her first Early Reader Chapter book series. She lives on Long Island near her children and grandchildren.

Review excerpts
"The whimsical, pastel art work adds to the light, girlish mom-daughter bonding feels. This would make a great bedtime story read-aloud." - Rainy Days Mom Days

"excellent addition to your history study, to help your student really get a grasp for what it would be like if they actually lived there during this time period.  Great spring boards for additional study as well." - A Year of Jubilee Reviews

"Starting kids off with a healthy perspective of other cultures and people is what helps create peace. This book provides that perspective." - Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite (5-Star Review)

"It's a very breezy book, with just a fact or two per page, which will be easy for many kids to absorb. The engaging tone keeps the educational aspects from feeling dry or boring. The book series has a simple but effective premise: it teaches kids the basics of another culture in a way that connects it to their own personal lives...Roman has written another winner..." - Kirkus Review
"Roman draws the reader in from the first page with illustrations that are cheerful and clever."- Kirkus Review
"It's awe-inspiring when a book offers young readers a sense of purpose and encourages them that they too can determine their own destinies with hard work and perseverance."- The Children's Book Review
"She foregoes the often-used technique of rhyming text in favor of a more natural, conversational tone that effectively captures the spirit of a child's imagination and daily play."- Foreword Review

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