Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Monsterland Reanimated by Michael Okon, PLUS Mary Jane Walker's book collection!


Six books of travel stories, by Mary Jane Walker

Descriptions of six heavily illustrated titles follow the author’s biography, overleaf.

All are available on Amazon.

In addition, A Maverick Traveller is available on Apple iTunes, Scribd, 24Symbols, Tolino, Barnes and Noble, IngramSpark, Kobo, Playster, and Overdrive.

A Maverick Traveller (Mary Jane’s first book) is available for $1.99 as a Kindle or Epub.

A Maverick Himalayan Way (book six) is available as a Kindle for $1.99. The other four books in between are selling for $5.99 as Kindles.

The whole series of six books—with more than 2,000 images between them— would normally cost $27.94.

There will be one-week Amazon Kindle Countdown promotion starting on Friday the 4th of May that will enable purchasers to buy the whole series from as little as $6.

Print-on-demand copies are also available for $12.99 and $13.99.

The images in these lavishly-illustrated books can be viewed in color on devices other than regular Kindles, and online via Book2Look widgets posted by Mary Jane on her website, http://a-maverick.com.

The color photo pages of the books are also linked to in this flier, which, in addition, contains links to conventional previews of the books as they would appear in a black and white print edition.


Mary Jane Walker hails from New Zealand. She has been traveling the rest of the world, and her native country, since early youth. She first experienced serious world travel as part of the crew on a small Chinese junk which was being sailed from China to France. Her memoirs are unconventional, historically well- informed and lavishly illustrated. Six titles have been published in 2017 and 2018, and three more are forthcoming.

Mary Jane Walker
A Maverick Traveller Ltd P O Box 44-146 Auckland 1246
New Zealand
26 April 2018Email: admin@a-maverick.com


An account of Mary Jane Walker's world travels and an introduction to her series of books of travel stories. With 90 images.
A Maverick Traveller (preview)
Extract with color images
ISBN (print): 9780473408053
ISBN (epub): 9780473408060
6” by 9” / 152 mm by 228 mm Publication date 2017
Paperback, perfect bound
Black and white on white paper (444 ppi) 90 illustrations

331 pages

An informal account of Mary Jane's outdoor treks, conservation work and civic rambles in New Zealand and its offshore islands. With 598 images.
A Maverick New Zealand Way (preview)
Extract with color images
ISBN (print): 9780473408077
ISBN (epub): 9780473408084
6” by 9” / 152 mm by 228 mm Publication date 2017
Paperback, perfect bound
Black and white on white paper (444 ppi) 598 illustrations

465 pages

Mary Jane's account of a journey around the island after the death of Fidel Castro, by local bus and other transport, to try and discover the real Cuba. With 247 images.
A Maverick Cuban Way (preview)
Extract with colour images
ISBN (print): 9780473408336
ISBN (epub): 9780473408343
6” by 9” / 152 mm by 228 mm Publication date 2017
Paperback, perfect bound
Black and white on white paper (444 ppi) 247 illustrations

259 pages

Mary Jane's account of pilgrim paths, old churches, public walkways and other heritage in Europe and Turkey - not just for the religious! With 547 images.
A Maverick Pilgrim Way (preview)
Extract with color images

ISBN (print): 9780473408299
ISBN (epub): 9780473408305
6” by 9” / 152 mm by 228 mm Publication date 2017
Paperback, perfect bound
Black and white on white paper (444 ppi) 547 illustrations

361 pages

As the 2016 elections approached, came and went, Mary Jane rode the Amtrak rails around America, talking to people and taking in the landscape. With 409 images.
A Maverick USA Way (preview)
Extract with color images

ISBN (print): 9780473408312
ISBN (epub): 9780473408329
6” by 9” / 152 mm by 228 mm Publication date 2017
Paperback, perfect bound
Black and white on white paper (444 ppi) 409 illustrations

392 pages

Mary Jane visits and treks in Nepal, Sikkim, Dharamshala, Kashmir, Chitral and the Hindu Kush, China, Japan and more southerly parts of India. With 294 images.
A Maverick Himalayan Way (preview)
Extract with Color Images

ISBN (print): 9780473408275
ISBN (epub): 9780473408282
6” by 9” / 152 mm by 228 mm Publication date 2018
Paperback, perfect bound
Black and white on white paper (444 ppi) 294 illustrations

342 pages

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