Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Great Reviews!

Just Ask the Universe and my second book, The Universe-ity are not books of New Age jargon filled with empty promises. There will be no master advice from an old enlightened one and there will most certainly be no channeling. Both books are just realistic guides to personal development and steps to achieve them. Look what others have said about my books.

Just Ask The Universe

"I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book. It is very concise in its instructions on how to manifest everything you want in your life. I have read many self help books over the past few years and although Just Ask The Universe has the same message, the guidelines on how to achieve success are much simpler to follow." ~Susan M.

"Very clear easy to understand universal rules that are simple and logical." ~Adam V.

"Quick read and his ideas work as I have done the exact exercise as he suggested and The Universe answered. Remember to continue asking as The Universe wants to keep giving!" ~Diana R.

"This was a fresh start for my on my journey to happiness and my dreams.
At times in life we loose focus and belief in what is possible.
Maybe for some its family or friends or even your job.
Just remember its never to late to ask yourself for the dreams of the heart.
Cause the heart wants what the heart wants..." ~Jason

"Its like a complete kick in the ribs. I'm referring to the book of course. Through the first few pages I was hooked. Michael Samuel's does a fantastic job of breaking down the key points add to what the secret and magic and wisdom are all about." ~Timothy F.

The Universe-ity

" Michael Samuels has given us a short but very helpful guide on how to take what we know from the life lessons we have had and from whatever formal education that we actually learned from and apply it to finding a more productive, satisfying life.---Is this book profound? Depends on who you are. I sense what it does is help people boil many complicated things down to a manageable way of taking in and evaluating their lives so that they can release things that are not serving both in thought and in actual life endeavors, then to move on. Sometimes we have been searching for huge answers, when in fact we need more simple basics and in this, it is profound." ~Deborah B.

"I found this to be a wonderful book with a different prospective on education and life in general." ~Bill K.

"In his follow up book from Just Ask The Universe, Michael Samuels takes you through a step by step of what to do and what not to do in the asking of things. He shows the reader through several examples that you do not necessarily need an education to get everything you want.---This is one education everyone from young to old can use!" ~Naila M.

"I enjoyed this book. I found the exercises that I have done so far to be most beneficial as far as enjoying peace of mind, an inner state of gratitude, and increased well-being. There are some powerful claims made in the book - and I have as yet to explore all of them, but believe them to be well worth my time and any effort I put in this direction." ~Eckie F.

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